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Macho made attachment

Do you think that an avoidant attachment can be developed by society? Mainly thinking men here. And if so, then 1) how can we spot that in treatment and 2) is treatment different 3) is treatment more likely successful and faster recovery into secure. And heck, does it matter?

Attachment Course

I'm wanting to take the attachment course for couples and therapist on "it's your amygdala" but I can't access it. How can I do this?

End-of-life counseling

Hello! I've recently been curious about end-of-life counseling and what clinical material might be out there that is trauma- and attachment-informed. Do you have any books/podcasts/articles/videos/etc. you recommend to read more on this subject? Thank you in advance! Anything you recommend would be greatly appreciated. :)

Fun question: what's your sign?

Water signs--cancer, scorpio, pisces--are known for being emotional signs. I'm wondering if a pattern can be identified of which signs are invested in therapy, attachment, psychological theories, etc. either by leading the work or being curious about it. But there often isn't information about birth dates for a lot of researchers/therapists/etc. involved in this work. Fun facts: Brene Brown is a scorpio. Liz Gilbert is a cancer. Peter Levine and Glennon Doyle are pisces. Similarly I'm curious about whether there is a pattern of attachment styles for the folks interested in these fields. I lean towards red (anxious), but suspect a lot of the work is led by avoidant attachments, which is very interesting considering avoidance!

Earned secure attachment

Have you heard about this earned secure attachment and the therapies used to get there? Is there a good book on the subject? I’m just an average citizen (not a therapist).